Last Minute Indiana Trips - 3

A quick trip to historic Prophetstown, Indiana brought us back to early 1900's Indiana.  

The Prophetstown State Park is located in Battle Ground Indiana and has a 1920's farm, a Native American village, hiking trails and camp grounds.  The SO and I visited the farm and some of the driving trails to see the pretty area.  And plus we love visiting state parks (and donating) since our wedding ceremony in a state park last November! 

We saw some cute goats.
Don't you think this is a picturesque farm?!  Love this!

We had a blast watching this little guy drink... he drinks like our Gwen Bean!  She slops like a piggy!

Happy little piggy!  Actually we visited on a hot and humid day and I would have loved to take a cool mud bath (although not with the pigs!).
This little chicken (rooster? no sure) followed the SO.  Quite comical!

Windmill!  You know how much I heart these!

Oh, and along our way we traveled over a 1-lane bridge.  A one-lane bridge!  Crazy!  We had to let the other cars cross first before we could.  I had never seen anything like that before.

Overall a fun day!  Something different and we're glad we visited before we moved!


lunaticraft said…
AHHHHHH the quaintness. It is almost delightfully painful. =) Looks like an awesome place. I love farms.