I got in!

I just received and email from the School of Library and Information Sciences that I have been accepted into the IU graduate program at Indianapolis! I'm going to be a librarian! Yay!!!! Happy dance!!


Sigrun said…
About that thing in the wall (last post) It's my blogging aned e-mail umbilical cord plugin. Not only do I depend on it for cyber-survival, I am on dial-up internet. Today we went out for the day (after my morning e-mail and blog check). We were expecting a sort of important message on the answering machine--no message, no incoming calls at all. Reason? When I (thought) i shut off the computer in the a.m., it didn't shut down, so the phone line was busy all day. AAAAGGGHH
Lupie said…
So great!!!!
My daughter The Grimm Witch is in a Library grad program.
Kristin said…
Congratulations! That's wonderful! Glad things worked out.
lunaticraft said…
OH MY! CONGRATS! School applications can be so nerve-wracking... so glad it all worked out! =D