Yep a finished project! It only took me 6 months to finish. I started these babies back in December 2010 while in NH visiting the family. I actually finished one sock in about three days. However, due to the insane semester, the second sock took me all semester. But a couple weeks after semester ends and I finished these knee-high, wool socks - and as per my typical impeccable timing - just in time for the 90 degree weather this week! :)
Pattern: A basic sock pattern knit top-down with a gusset and slip-heel and ribbed to fit my big leg muscles. And anatomically correct toes so it fits nicely on my tooties.
Started: December 2010 - finished one sock in 3 days
Finished: May 12, 2011 - second sock took 6 months
Yarn: The SO's parents bought me the yarn while they were on a trip in Germany. When they gave me the yarn all I thought of were amazingly warm knee socks. I would love to tell you the brand and content of the yarn, however I currently cannot find the ball band - but I will as I'm cleaning and packing to move, and when I find it I'll update on here and in Ravelry.
I don't know if you caught that but yep, I said move - and just to recap the past couple months --
I finished my second masters degree! Summa cum laude, just to brag and inflate the ego.
And guess what else... I got that fellowship that I described a couple posts (or months) ago! That means the SO and I are getting ready for a move across country! This coming weekend we are going to Bethesda, Maryland to see apartments and hopefully (well, we'll have to) sign a lease. And in July we will be moving! My fellowship doesn't start until September 1st. But the lease on this apartment expires and really the SO and I have just been waiting to move from Indiana. I mean, he is from here, so of course we will be back yearly to visit his family and our friends... but it is time for a move and to advance my career. And really this fellowship is going to be amazing. I'm wicked excited!
I have about 2 months here in IN and at my current job. In the meantime I have started attending a local Toastmasters club, volunteering and also started back at knitting (as you can see) and running and yoga! Amazing how much I can do when I'm not working, schooling and interning! But as you can see I have already filled my empty schedule with all kinds of fun things. And hopefully soon I'll have another finished project to post on here.
Other than that I hope you all have a nice holiday weekend. The SO and I are taking a "final Chicago trip" while living in the Midwest. Cubbies game and some people watching and foodie hits. Should be fun!
And now that I'm back at it... I'll have my knitting with me! :)
(also, the socks are darling!)
The socks are stunning!