Remember to smile and enjoy even the small moments

It has been a rough couple weeks at work (data for grants, manuscripts and collaborators). And knitting has been slooow. I am wicked excited for a number of projects but work has been killing me! By the time I get home, I have just enough time to hang with the SO and bunny, have dinner and start more data/writing and continue working late into the night.

However today I was able to come home and relax a bit. Today I found something nice in the mail addressed to me.

I was pleasantly surprised to find a thank you card from Katie, my Aveda hairstylist, for the knitted baby gifts! Very cute, very sweet and it made me feel oh so good to hear that she liked the socks and hat! Just reading the little card made all of the bad and grouchy feelings of the day melt away. Knowing that this little gift made her feel loved, even by a client (!), totally made my day. Tonight I ended up taking a nice warm bath, relaxing, and I even did a little knitting while watching bball with the SO. Things like that remind me to smile and enjoy little moments....


lunaticraft said…
I think thank you note writing is a lost art that needs to be brought back. They're so wonderful to receive.
Melissa said…
Something is in the water there... My stylist is pregnant, too.